Red Cell Folate - Blood test
Turnaround time is: 1-3 days
Service Description
At Easy Medical Centre, we offer a Red Cell Folate blood test that measures the body’s store of the essential vitamin Folate, also known as Folic Acid. Folate is necessary for the normal production of red blood cells, which helps prevent anaemia, and for the prevention of neural tube defects in infants. Since Folate is a water-soluble vitamin, it needs to be present in your diet daily. Our Red Cell Folate test is a simple procedure that provides essential information about your body’s Folate status. Book an appointment with us today and take the first step towards a healthier you.
Cancellation Policy
Booking can be cancelled or rescheduled 24hr before appointment time. We cannot process full refund less than 24 hours notice before appointment time and money can not be refunded.
Contact Details
37 High Street, Crewe, UK