Nut Panel Allergy/ Intolerance test
Turnaround time is: 1-3 days
Service Description
Discover peace of mind with the Nut Panel Allergy/ Intolerance test service offered at Easy Medical Centre. Our comprehensive testing will provide valuable insight into any potential nut allergies you may have, helping you to better understand and manage your health. Don’t let nut allergies hold you back from living your best life - schedule your Nut Panel test today. Testing for: Almond, Peanut, Brazil nut, Pecan nut, Cashew nut, Pine nut, Chestnut, Pistachio, Coconut, Sesame seed, Hazelnut, Walnut, Macadamia nut
Cancellation Policy
Booking can be cancelled or rescheduled 24hr before appointment time. We cannot process full refund less than 24 hours notice before appointment time and money can not be refunded.
Contact Details
37 High Street, Crewe, UK