Intolerance Testing
Introducing the Most Advanced and Comprehensive Intolerance Test.
Get an all-inclusive intolerance test for over 900 food and non-food items, metal sensitivities, digestive health, and gut biome analysis with our fast results service.
Experience the UK’s most comprehensive and cost-effective intolerance test.
Our state-of-the-art testing technology analyses 4 to 5 strands of hair to detect 900+ food and non-food sensitivities, including gluten, lactose, milk, wheat, and egg intolerance.
The Ultimate Test goes beyond just identifying sensitivities by offering a complete analysis of your gut biome, digestive health, nutritional deficiencies, and common metal sensitivities, giving you the power to adjust your diet accordingly.
Embrace your uniqueness and learn what your body truly needs.

We are testing the following items:
Food Items (Lactose, Dairy, Wheat & Gluten Items Included)
Non-Food Items (inc. cat, dog and more)
Festive Food, Drink & Alcohol Items
Metal Sensitivities
Vitamin and Mineral Analysis
E numbers Analysis
Digestive Health Analysis
Gut Biome Analysis
Metabolism Analysis
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Home/ in clinic Intolerance Testing kit (choose an option on the checkout)
Your Personalised Intolerance Test Report Emailed within 5 - 7 working days from samples received in the lab
Free Home Kit Delivery & Return Hair Sample Postage
Elimination Diet Recommendations

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Intolerance testing
Why is consent needed for DNA testing?If you choose to proceed with a DNA test, it is important to understand the law surrounding consent for DNA testing. It is a legal requirement in the UK that all parties taking part in a DNA test agree to the test and provide consent for their DNA samples to be analysed. It is illegal to perform a DNA test without the appropriate consent. The Human Tissue Act 2004 covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland regulates activities concerning the removal, storage, use and disposal of human tissue for several scheduled purposes such as research, transplantation, education, and training. Section 45 of the Human Tissue Act includes a section on the non-consensual analysis of DNA. It creates a new offence of DNA ‘theft’: ‘It is unlawful to have human tissue with the intention of its DNA being analysed, without the consent of the person from whom the tissue came.’ In Scotland, the Human Tissue (Scotland) Act 2006 deals with the uses of human tissue and, similarly, includes the non-consensual analysis of DNA. The offence of DNA theft therefore applies UK-wide. Penalties for failing to obtain the correct consent, or misusing consent, include up to three years imprisonment, a fine or both. When DNA testing children under 16 years of age, consent must be provided on their behalf by a parent or guardian with parental responsibility for the child. In the UK, the mother of the child has parental responsibility automatically. The father has parental responsibility and can provide consent if he is either: Married to the child’s mother Listed on the birth certificate (after a certain date, depending on which part of the UK the child was born in) If the DNA test requires that a DNA sample be collected from a deceased individual (e.g. for inheritance disputes), a person in a ‘qualifying relationship’ to the deceased before their death must provide consent for the deceased’s sample to be tested.
What consent do I need for a DNA test?Below is an overview of the requirements for consent, depending on who is taking part in the DNA test. Any person aged 18 or over – must provide their own consent for their DNA samples to be used in testing For children under the age of 18 – parental consent can be provided by a parent or guardian with parental responsibility for the child. However, children aged 16-17 can also provide their own consent, provided they are competent to do so. When testing DNA of deceased individuals – consent must be provided by a person with a qualifying relationship to the deceased
Can I do a DNA test without someone knowing?Under UK law, an adult submitting a DNA sample for the purpose of testing must provide their own consent for their DNA sample to be analysed. This applies for both peace of mind at-home DNA tests and DNA tests for official matters. Exceptions are: * When testing a child under 18 years of age – in these circumstances, a parent or guardian with parental responsibility for the child can provide consent on the child’s behalf * When testing the DNA sample of a deceased person – in this instance the person in question cannot give their consent. This means that a person with a qualifying relationship to the deceased must provide consent on their behalf, for the DNA samples to be collected and analysed It is illegal to perform a DNA test without the appropriate consent. * As a parent or guardian with parental responsibility, you may decide not to discuss the DNA testing process with a child under 16 years of age (for whom you can provide consent). In situations involving older children who are able to understand the ramifications of a DNA test, we would always advise that it is better to have an open and honest conversation about your reasons for wanting the test before proceeding.
Can I refuse a DNA test?Yes, you can refuse to take part in a DNA test if you do not want to provide your DNA sample for any reason. However, you should be aware that if you are refusing a DNA test for legal reasons, such as during a child maintenance or custody dispute, the court may still decide to order a DNA test. In these circumstances you could still refuse to participate in the test, but the court would be forced to reach a decision either way without this DNA evidence. If you are a parent/guardian who is refusing to grant permission for your child’s DNA to be tested for legal matters, the court may override your refusal if it considers that it is in the child’s best interest for the sample to be taken (e.g. during custody disputes).
What is an FAQ section?An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.
Bioresonance is categorised under Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAMs) which covers a wide range of therapies that fall outside mainstream medicine. As a CAM, Bioresonance therapy is recognised as a proven therapy method by practitioners and peers Worldwide. Conventional medicine does not currently recognise Bioresonance as it has not been subject to scientific research. Our test and this website does not make a medical diagnosis nor is it intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider if you have a medical condition or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and/or medical symptoms. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. All probable or possible diagnoses generated by the test or this website need to be discussed and confirmed with a qualified medical practitioner. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or the emergency services immediately. Reliance on any information provided by this Website is solely at your own risk. Some of the content on this Website may be provided by third parties and we are not in a position to verify this content. We do not warrant that any such third party content is true, accurate or complete. Our test does not measure type IgE allergies or IgG antibodies. Since these reactions can be serious, you should seek the help of an allergy specialist.
- 50 British pounds
Food Items (Lactose, Dairy, Wheat & Gluten Items Included) - 407 items
Acai Berry, Acetic acid, A-Lactalbumin, Ale, Almond, Anchovy, Aniseed, Apple Juice, Apples, Apricots, Artichoke, Asparagus, Aubergine, Avocado, Bacon, Banana, Barley, Basil, Bay Lea, Beans (broad), Beans (green), Beans – lima, Beef, Beef Jerky, Beer, Beets (beetroot), Blackberries, B-Lactoglobulin, Blueberry, Boiled Milk, Braeburn apple, Brazil nut, Bread – Rye, Bread, White bread, Brown bread, Brussels sprout, Buckwheat, Butter, Butter (salted), Butter lettuce, Buttermilk, Button Mushroom, Cabbage – Green, Cabbage – Red, Cabbage – White, Camomile Tea, Capsicum (green), Capsicum (red), Capsicum (yellow), Carambola, Caraway, Cardamom, Carmine carotene (Beta-Carotene), Carrot, Cashew nut, Cauliflower, Celery (raw), Champagne, Cheddar, Cherries, Chestnut, Chestnut Mushroom, Chick Pea, Chicken, Chicory lettuce, Cinnamon, Clams, Clove, Coconut, Coconut oil, Cod, Coffee (black), Coffee substitute made, Cola, Common Mussel, Condensed Milk, Coriander, Cornflakes, Cow’s milk, Crab, Cranberry juice, Crayfish, Cream, Cress, Cumin, Currants (red & black), Dates, Dill, Dry Roasted peanuts, Duck, Earl Grey tea, Eel, Egg white, Egg yolk, Endive, Escarole Lettuce, Evaporated Milk, Fennel Fresh, Fig, Flaxseed from barley, Fuji apple, Gala apple, Galia melon, Garlic, Gelatine, Gin, Ginger, Gluten, Goat, Goat’s milk, Golden Delicious apple, Goose, Gooseberries, Grains, Granary Bread, Granny Smith apple, Grapefruit, Grapes (red), Grapes (white), Guava, Halibut, Hazelnuts, Herring, Honey, Honeydew melon, Hops, Horse, Horse radish, Iceberg Lettuce, Jasmine Tea, Jazz apple, Kale, Karaya gum (E 416), Kiwis, Lactose, Lager, Lamb, Lamb’s liver, Leek, Lemonade, Lemons, Lentils, Lobster, Macadamia Nuts, Mackerel, Maize, Maize flour, Mango, Maple syrup, Marshmallow Tea, Microcrystalline cellulose (cellulose powder), Milk lactose, Millet, Mint (Fresh), Molasses, Mushrooms, Mustard, Mutton, Noodles, Nutmeg, Okra, Olive oil, Olives (black), Olives (green), Onion, Oolong Tea, Orange juice, Oranges, Ovaltine, Ox liver, Oyster, Oyster Mushroom, Oyster sauce, Papaya, Paprika, Parsley, Passionfruit, Peaches, Peanuts, Pears, Peas (garden), Pecan nuts, Pepper (black), Peppermint oil, Pig’s liver, Pine nut, Pineapple, Pineapple Juice, Pink lady apple, Plaice, Plums, Pomegranate Juice, Pomegranates, Poppy Seed, Pork, Pork Sausages, Portobello Mushroom, Potatoes, Prawns, Prosecco, Prunes (cooked), Pumpkin, Pumpkin Seed, Quinoa, Rabbit, Radish, Raisins, Raspberries, Red Kidney Bean, Red Leicester, Red Wine, Rice – Brown, Rice – White, Rocket, Romaine Lettuce, Rooibos Tea, Rosemary, Rum, Rye, Sage, Salmon, Salt, Sambuca, Sardine, Sesame seed, Sheep’s milk, Shellfish, Shitake Mushroom, Shrimp, Smoked herring, Sole, Sour cream, Soy Sauce, Soya, Soya Bean, Spelt, Spinach, Stilton, Strawberries, Sugar Brown, Sugar white, Sulphamide acid, Sunflower Oil, Sunflower Seeds, Swede, Sweet Freedom, Tea (black only), Tea (Black), Tea (green), Tequila, Thyme, Tomato, Trout (Brown), Turkey, Turmeric, Turnip, Vanilla, Veal, Venison, Vinegar (clear), Vinegar (malt), Vodka, Walnuts, Wasabi, Watercress, Watermelon, Wheat ground, Wheat whole grain, Whisky, White bean, White pepper, White Tea, White Wine, Whitefish, Winkles, Yeast, Yerba mate tea
Non-Food Items (inc. cat, dog and more) - 180 items
Agaric Mushroom, Alder, Algae, Alstromerias, American Beech, Anise, Aspen (populus tremula), Aspergillus Fumigatus, Aspergillus Niger, Baylilly, Aster, Bee, Bermuda Grass, Birch Pollen, Blood Worm, Bovines, Box Elder, Bracken, Brome Grass, Bumblebee, Buttercup Flower, Canary Feathers, Canary Grass, Carnations, Castor Bean, Casuarina Austrian Pine, Cat Dander, Cat Serum Albumin, Cats, Cedar, Chaetomium Globosum, Chinchilla, Chrysanthemum, Cladosproium Herbarum, Clover, Cockroach, Common Reed, Common Silver Birch, Cotton Crop, Cotton Seed, Cotton Wool, Dahlia (Dahlia Hybrida), Daisy, Dandelion, Deer, Dogs, Douglas Fir, Downy Birch (Betula Verrico), Dust, Elder Plant, Elm , English Plantain, Epicoccum Purpurascens, Eucalyptus, False Acacia (Robinia Pseudacacia), False Oat grass, Ficus, Finch Feathers, Firebush, Formaldehyde, Fox, Foxtail Millet, Fungus/Mould (Household), Fusarium Moniliforme, Gardenia, Gerbil, Giant Ragweed, Glaskraut (parietaria judaica), Goldenrod (Solidago Virgaurea), Granary Weevil, Grey Alder, Guinea Pigs, Gum Arabic, Hamster, Hawthorn Tree, Hazel Tree, Honeybee, Hop (Humulus Lupulus), Horse Bot Fly, Horse Chestnut Plant, Horses, House Dust, House Dust Mite, Hyacinth (Endymion Non Scriptus), Italian Cypress Tree, Japanese Cedar, Japanese Millet, Jasmine Plant, Johnson Grass, Juniper Bush, Kammgras (Cynosurus Cristatus), Karaya gum, Latex, Laurel, Leather, Lemon Verbena, Lilac (Syringa Vulgaris), Linden Tree, Lisianthus, Lotus root, Lovage, Lupine (Lupinus Polyphyllus), Lycopodium, Lycra, Maize , Marguerite (Leucanthemum Vulgare), Meadow, Fescue (Festuca Pratensis), Meadow Fox Tail Grass, Meadow Grass, Mealworm, Melaleuca, Mesquite, Mink, Mistletoe Plant, Mosquito, Moth, Mountain Juniper, Mouse, Mugwort, Mulberry Bush, Narcissus (Narcissus spp.), Nettle, Nylon, Oak (quercus robur), Paloverde, Paper Wasp, Parrot Feathers, Pear Tree, Penicillium, Frequentans, Penicillium Notatum, Pepper Tree, Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium Perenne), Pig, Pigeons, Pigweed (Chenopodium Album), Pine
Pine, Scottish (Pinus Sylvestris), Plantain (Plantago Major), Polka dot tree, Poplar Tree, Primrose (Primulus), Privet (Ligustrum spp.), Ragweed Plant, Rapeseed, Rats, Rose Plant, Rubber, Rye Grass, Salt Grass, Seaweed, Silk, Snail, Spruce (Picea Abies), Stachybotrys, Stemphylium Botryosum, Stinging Nettle, Storage Mite, Sweet Gum, Sweet Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum Odoratum), Sunflower, Tall Oat Grass (Arrhenaterium Elatius), Thistle Plant, Timothy Grass, Tobacco, Tobacco Leaf, Turkey, Feathers, Ulocladium Chartarum, Velvet, Velvet Grass, Wallflower (Cheranthus Cheiri), Wasp, Water Reed (Phragmites Communis)
E - Numbers - 170 items
E100 Curcumin, E101 riboflavin (vit. b2), E102 Tartrazine, E104 Quinoline Yellow, E110 Sunset Yellow Fcf, E1105 lysozyme, E120 cochineal, carminic acid, carmine, E122 Carmoisine, E123 Amaranth, E124 Ponceau 4r, E127 ErythrosinE, E128 Rot 2 g, E129 Allura red ac, E131 Patent bluE v, E132 Indigo Carmine, E133 Brilliant blue fcf, E140 Chlorophylls and Chlorophyllins, E141 Chlorophylls, E1410 Monostarch PhosphatE (modified starch), E150 B SulphitE lyE, E150 C Ammoniac Caramel, E150 Caramel, E151 Brilliant Black, E1518 GlycerinE TriacetatE (triacetin), E154 Brown Fk, E155 Brown, E160 A CarotenE (mixed carotene, beta-carotene), E160 B Annatto, Bixin, Norbixin, E160 Capsorubin, E160 E Beta (carotinoid), E161 B Lutein, E161 G Canthaxanthin, E162 Beetroot Red (betanin), E163 Anthocyanins, E170 Calciumcarbonate, E172 Iron Oxides, Iron Hydroxides, E173 Aluminium, E174 Silver, E175 Gold, E180 Lithol Rubine, E200 Sorbic Acid, E202 Potassiumsorbate, Sorbic Acid, E203 Calciumcorbat, Sobric Acid processed cheese spreads, E210 Benzoic Acid, E211 Sodiumbenzoate, Benzoic Acid, E212 Potassiumbenzoate, Benzoic Acid, E213 Calciumbenzoate, Benzoic Acid, E221 Sodiumsulphite (sulphur dioxide), E222 Sodiumhydrogen Sulphite (sulphur dioxide), E223 Sodiummetabisulphite (sulphur dioxide), E224 Potassiummetabisulphite (sulphur dioxide), E226 Calciumsulphite (sulphur dioxide), E227 Calciumhydrogen Sulphite (sulphur dioxide), E228 Potassiumhydrogen Sulphite (sulphur dioxide), E230 Biphenyl, Diphenyl, E232 Sodiumorthophenylphenate, orthophenylphenol, E233 Thiabendazole, E249 Potassiumnitrite, E250 Sodiumnitrite, E251 Sodiumnitrate, E252 Potassiumnitrate, E260 Acetic Acid, E261 Potassiumacetate, Salt of Acetic Acid, E262 Sodiumacetate, Salt of Acetic Acid Vinegar Flavour to Potato Crisps, E263 Calciumacetate, Salt of Acetic Acid, E270 Lactic Acid, E280 Propionic Acid, E281 Sodiumpropionate, Propionic Acid, E282 Calciumpropionate, Propionic Acid, E283 Potassiumpropionate, Propionic Acid, E284 Boric Acid, E285 Sodiumtetraborate, Boric Acid, E290 Carbon Dioxide, Carbonic Acid, E296 Malic Acid, E297 Fumaric Acid, E300 Ascorbic Acid (vitamin c), E301 Sodiuml-Ascorbate (ascorbic acid), E302 Calciuml-Ascorbate (ascorbic acid), E304 Ascorbyl Palmitate/ascorbyl stearate, E306 Natural Tocopherols (vitamin e), E307 Alpha-Tocopherol (tocopherol), E308 Gamma-Tocopherol (tocopherol), E309 Delta-Tocopherol (tocopherol), E310 Propyl Gallate (gallate), E311 Octyl Gallate (gallate), E312 Dodecyl Gallate (gallate), E315 Isoascorbic Acid, E316 Sodiumisoascorbate, E320 Butylated Hydroxyanisole (bha), E321 Butylated Hydroxytoluene, E325 Sodiumlactate (salts from lactic acid), E326 Potassiumlactate (salts from lactic acid), E327 Calciumlactate (salts from lactic acid), E330 Citric Acid, E331 Monosodiumcitrate, Disodium, Trisodium, E332 Monopotassiumcitrate, Tripotassium, E333 Monocalciumcitrate, Dicalcium, Tricalcium, E334 Tartaric Acid (l+), Tartaric Acid, E335 Monosodiumtartrate, Disodiumtartrate, E336 Monopotassiumtartrate, Dipotassiumtartrate, E337 Sodiumpotassiumtartrate (salts from tartaric acid), E338 Orthophosphoric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, E339 Monosodiumphoshate, Disodium, Trisodium, E340 Monopotassiumphosphate, E341 Monocalciumphosphate, Dicalcium, Tricalcium, E350 Sodiummalate, Sodiumhydrogen Malate, E351 Potassiummalate (salts from malic acid), E352 Calciummalate, E353 Metatartaric Acid, E354 Calciumtartrate (salts from malic acid), E355 Adipic Acid, E356 Sodiumadipate, E357 Potassiumadipate, E363 Succinic Acid, E380 Triammoniumcitrate (salts from citric acid), E385 Calciumsodiumethylene Diamine Tetra-Acetate (edta), E400 Alginic Acid, Alginate, E401 Sodiumalginate, Alginate, E402 Potassiumalginate, Alginate, E403 Ammoniumalginate, Alginate, E404 Calciumalginate, Alginate, E405 Propylene Glycol Alginate, Alginate, E406 Agar, E407 A Eucheuma Algae, Treated, E407 Carrageenan, E410 Locust Bean Gum, Carob Gum, E412 Guar Gum, E414 Gumarabic, E415 Xanthan Gum, E417 Tara Meal, E418 Gellane, E420 Sorbit, Sorbit Syrup, E421 Mannite, E422 Glycerine, E450 Diphosphate, Phosphate, E451 Triphosphate, Phosphate, E452 Polyphosphate, E460 Cellulose, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Cellulose powder, E461 Methylcellulose, E463 Hydroxypropylcellulose, E464 Hydroxypropylmethylcellose, E465 Ethylmethylcellulose, E470 A Sodium Salts, E470 B Magnesiumsalts of Edible Fatty Acids, E471 Mono and Diglyceride, E472 A Acetic Acid Esters of Mono and Diglycerides, E474 Sucroglycerides, E475 Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty Acids, E476 Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate, E477 Propane-1, 2-Diol Esters of Fatty Acids, E479 Thermo-Oxidised Soya Oil, E481 Sodiumstearoyl-2-Lactylate, E491 Sorbitan Monostearate, E620 Glutamic Acid, E621 Monosodiumglutamate, Sodiumglutamate, E622 Monopotassiumglutamate, Potassiumglutamate, E623 Calciumdiglutamate, Calciumglutamate, E624 Monoammoniumglutamate, Ammoniumglutamate, E625 Magnesiumdiglutamate, Magnesiumglutamate, E901 Bees Wax, White and Yellow, E902 Candelilla Wax, E903 Carnauba Wax, E904 Shellac, E927 Carbanide Bread Enhancer, E938 Argon, E939 Helium, E941 Nitrogen Propellant in Spray Cans, E948 Oxygen, E951 Aspartame
Metals - 51 items
Actinium, Aluminium, Amalgam, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Boron, Brass, Bronze, Cadmium, Cerium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Dysprosium, Erbium, , Europium, Gallium, Gold, Iridium, Iron, Lanthanum, Lead, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Niobium, Palladium, Pewter, Platinum, Radium, Rhodium, Scandium, Selenium, Silicon, Silver, Solder, Stainless Steel, Strontium, Tin, Titanium, Tungsten, Uranium, Vanadium, Zinc, Zirconium
Vitamin and Mineral Analysis - 79 items
Calcium, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Adenine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Anthocyanidins, Arginine, Ascorbic Acid, Asparagine, Betain, Beta-carotene, Biotin, Bromelain, Carotenoids, Choline, Citrus Bio-Flavonoids, Co Q 10, Creatin, Cysteine, Docosahexaenoic Acid, Eicosapentaenoic Acid, Ellagic Acid, Fibre,
Flavonoids Folate folic acid Gallic Acid, Genistein, Germanium, Glutamine, Glutathione, Glycine, Histidine, Homocysteine, Inositol, Iso-Flavonoids, Isoleucine, L-Carnitine, Lecithin, Leucine, L-Glutamine, Lignans, Lutein, Lycopene, Melatonin, Molybden, Omega 3, Omega 6, Phenylalanine, Riboflavin, Vitamin A, Vitamin A1, Vitamin A2, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B13, Vitamin B17, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B4, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin D2, Vitamin D3, Vitamin D4, Vitamin E, Vitamin F, Vitamin K1, Vitamin K2
Hormonal Analysis - 7 items
Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, Oestradiol, Testosterone, Thyroid Stimulating, Hormone, Thyroxine (T4), Triiodothyronine (T3)
Digestive Health Analysis - 6 items
Amylase, Bile Salts, Enterokinase, Lipase, Pepsin, Trypsin and Chymotrypsin
Gut Biome Analysis - 10 items
Acidophilus, Acidophilus bifidus, Lactobaccillus, Bifidobacterium Bifidum, Escherichia Coli, Lactobacillus Reuteri, Streptococcus Thermophilus, Streptococcus Faecium, Streptomyces, Thermophilus