What are tumour markers?
A tumour marker is anything present in or produced by cancer cells or other cells of the body in response to cancer or certain benign (noncancerous) conditions that provides information about a cancer, such as how aggressive it is, what kind of treatment it may respond to, or whether it is responding to treatment.
What is a hormone test?
A hormone test is a type of blood test used to detect hormone imbalances in your body. Hormones are chemicals produced by your body that regulate everything from your sleep to your digestion.
When your hormones are out of balance, you can develop a variety of symptoms, some of which can be serious.
Preparation for blood test
Normally, blood test only take a few minutes to complete and carried out by our experienced phlebotomist in clinic.
Some types of blood testing require fasting (not eating anything up to 12hr prior to the test), your Doctor will inform you if required.
What will happen during your blood test appointment
Our receptionist will ask for your photographic ID to confirm your identity on arrival and then you will require to read, complete and sign Blood Test Consent form.
A blood test usually involves taking a blood sample from a blood vessel in your arm. The arm is a convenient part of the body to use because it can be easily uncovered. The usual place for a sample to be taken from is the inside of the elbow or wrist, where the veins are relatively close to the surface.
A tight band (tourniquet) is usually put around your upper arm. This squeezes the arm, temporarily slowing down the flow of blood and causing the vein to swell. This makes it easier for a sample to be taken.
You may feel a slight prick or scratching sensation as the needle goes in, but it shouldn’t be uncomfortable. If you have an aversion to needles and blood, inform the Receptionist on arrival, so they can make you feel more at ease.
When the sample has been done, the tourniquet will be taken out, and the needle is removed. Pressure will be applied to the skin for a couple of minutes using a clean pad. Sometimes a plaster may be put on the area to keep it clean.
After your Blood Test withdrawal
Small amount of blood will be taken from the vein so you shouldn't feel dizzy and faint during or/and after the test, but you may do. If this has happened to you in the past, tell the phlebotomist so they're aware and can help you feel more comfortable.
And finally Blood Test Results
After a blood sample has been taken, it will be sent to the laboratory where it will be tested.
Most of our test results are ready the following day but some takes longer to be tested, so be patient please.
You will receive your certificate by email along with laboratory report.
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