Blood test is one of the most common test types and have a wide range of uses.
For example, a blood test can be used for the following:
Gage your general state of health
Assess if you have an infection
See how well certain organs, such as your liver and kidneys are working
screen you for certain genetic conditions
Find out if you are at risk of heart disease
Assess how well your blood is clotting
Find out whether you are at risk of heart disease
Diagnose diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, anemia and coronary heart disease
Preparation for blood test
Normally, blood test only take a few minutes to complete and carried out by our experienced phlebotomist in clinic.
Some types of blood testing require fasting (not eating anything up to 12hr prior to the test), your Doctor will inform you if required.
What will happen during your blood test appointment
Our receptionist will ask for your photographic ID to confirm your identity on arrival and then you will require to read, complete and sign Blood Test Consent form.
A blood test usually involves taking a blood sample from a blood vessel in your arm. The arm is a convenient part of the body to use because it can be easily uncovered. The usual place for a sample to be taken from is the inside of the elbow or wrist, where the veins are relatively close to the surface.
A tight band (tourniquet) is usually put around your upper arm. This squeezes the arm, temporarily slowing down the flow of blood and causing the vein to swell. This makes it easier for a sample to be taken.
You may feel a slight prick or scratching sensation as the needle goes in, but it shouldn’t be uncomfortable. If you have an aversion to needles and blood, inform the Receptionist on arrival, so they can make you feel more at ease.
When the sample has been done, the tourniquet will be taken out, and the needle is removed. Pressure will be applied to the skin for a couple of minutes using a clean pad. Sometimes a plaster may be put on the area to keep it clean.
After your Blood Test withdrawal
Small amount of blood will be taken from the vein so you shouldn't feel dizzy and faint during or/and after the test, but you may do. If this has happened to you in the past, tell the phlebotomist so they're aware and can help you feel more comfortable.
And finally Blood Test Results
After a blood sample has been taken, it will be sent to the laboratory where it will be tested.
Most of our test results are ready the following day but some takes longer to be tested, so be patient please.
You will receive your certificate by email along with laboratory report.
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Why is consent needed for DNA testing?If you choose to proceed with a DNA test, it is important to understand the law surrounding consent for DNA testing. It is a legal requirement in the UK that all parties taking part in a DNA test agree to the test and provide consent for their DNA samples to be analysed. It is illegal to perform a DNA test without the appropriate consent. The Human Tissue Act 2004 covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland regulates activities concerning the removal, storage, use and disposal of human tissue for several scheduled purposes such as research, transplantation, education, and training. Section 45 of the Human Tissue Act includes a section on the non-consensual analysis of DNA. It creates a new offence of DNA ‘theft’: ‘It is unlawful to have human tissue with the intention of its DNA being analysed, without the consent of the person from whom the tissue came.’ In Scotland, the Human Tissue (Scotland) Act 2006 deals with the uses of human tissue and, similarly, includes the non-consensual analysis of DNA. The offence of DNA theft therefore applies UK-wide. Penalties for failing to obtain the correct consent, or misusing consent, include up to three years imprisonment, a fine or both. When DNA testing children under 16 years of age, consent must be provided on their behalf by a parent or guardian with parental responsibility for the child. In the UK, the mother of the child has parental responsibility automatically. The father has parental responsibility and can provide consent if he is either: Married to the child’s mother Listed on the birth certificate (after a certain date, depending on which part of the UK the child was born in) If the DNA test requires that a DNA sample be collected from a deceased individual (e.g. for inheritance disputes), a person in a ‘qualifying relationship’ to the deceased before their death must provide consent for the deceased’s sample to be tested.
What consent do I need for a DNA test?Below is an overview of the requirements for consent, depending on who is taking part in the DNA test. Any person aged 18 or over – must provide their own consent for their DNA samples to be used in testing For children under the age of 18 – parental consent can be provided by a parent or guardian with parental responsibility for the child. However, children aged 16-17 can also provide their own consent, provided they are competent to do so. When testing DNA of deceased individuals – consent must be provided by a person with a qualifying relationship to the deceased
Can I do a DNA test without someone knowing?Under UK law, an adult submitting a DNA sample for the purpose of testing must provide their own consent for their DNA sample to be analysed. This applies for both peace of mind at-home DNA tests and DNA tests for official matters. Exceptions are: * When testing a child under 18 years of age – in these circumstances, a parent or guardian with parental responsibility for the child can provide consent on the child’s behalf * When testing the DNA sample of a deceased person – in this instance the person in question cannot give their consent. This means that a person with a qualifying relationship to the deceased must provide consent on their behalf, for the DNA samples to be collected and analysed It is illegal to perform a DNA test without the appropriate consent. * As a parent or guardian with parental responsibility, you may decide not to discuss the DNA testing process with a child under 16 years of age (for whom you can provide consent). In situations involving older children who are able to understand the ramifications of a DNA test, we would always advise that it is better to have an open and honest conversation about your reasons for wanting the test before proceeding.
Can I refuse a DNA test?Yes, you can refuse to take part in a DNA test if you do not want to provide your DNA sample for any reason. However, you should be aware that if you are refusing a DNA test for legal reasons, such as during a child maintenance or custody dispute, the court may still decide to order a DNA test. In these circumstances you could still refuse to participate in the test, but the court would be forced to reach a decision either way without this DNA evidence. If you are a parent/guardian who is refusing to grant permission for your child’s DNA to be tested for legal matters, the court may override your refusal if it considers that it is in the child’s best interest for the sample to be taken (e.g. during custody disputes).
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